Monday, November 16, 2015

My Top #5 Career Tips

So I thought i would do a post dedicated to all my Girl Bosses out their! I love seeing blog post about getting your dream career and doing well in your field. Well here are some of my career tips for my lovely ,but oh so fabulous girl bosses in the making, considering I'm one in the making as well.

Tip #1 Promote Yourself

It's very important to promote yourself, considering when you're first starting off your the only one on your team. I mean its not like you already have a publicists  ,shoot girl you can be your own publicists. We have so many social media platforms , why not use them to promote your passion. So use you twitter,instagram,facebook and youtube channel to put your brand and business out their on the map. Promote!,Promote!,Promote! the more you promote the more traffic your providing for your brand and business.

Tip#2 Write Down Goals

I think this is very essential when your trying to figure out exactly what you're trying to do and the path your trying to take. So writing down your goals makes them more visual and you're willing to work a lot harder towards it , because it is down on paper. Also another thing that is helpful when ever you complete a goal why don't you mark it off that way you can keep track of your progress and see the goals that you have completed and the one's you need to work on achieving .

Tip#3 Stay Positive!

So this is super important. I feel like we all need to keep a positive mindset and also surround ourselves with people who are going to uplift us verses bring us down. The more you stay positive the more the universe is going to bring positive things into your life, if you're constantly doubting yourself and putting yourself down you're only going to attract the negative. Some things that can help with positivity is meditation and yoga.

Tip#4 Take Risk

Don't be afraid to take risk and take chances. Your never know until you try right? Sometimes taking risk or major stepping stones can be really scary, but we can't' let the fear of the unknown keep us from not following our dreams or passions. taking risk can be Awesome opportunities. So just build some courage and just Go for it!.

Tip#5 Network!!!!

Guys there is a reason i made this one last. Networking is so important and so crucial to any brand or business. Not only do you have to promote yourself, but you also have to Network as well. You never know who your going to be with in a room full of people. Your a career girl you should always , always keep some business cards on you at all times. Networking can get you really far actually, you never know who is looking to give the next person a awesome opportunity that they just cant turn down. So always be ready, and always have your game face on .

Hope you guys enjoyed this Career tips blog post and i will talk to you guys in my next post see ya!


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