Thursday, October 29, 2015

Top 5 Favorite Instagram Accounts

Brittany Hampton - She is DVF Brand Ambassador, I loved watching her on DVF and her style and the way she carries herself sure does explain why they picked her to be the Brand Ambassador for DVF. Her fun style and Pop of color just brightens up your feed, her account is one of my favorites. Can't go wrong with some pop of color. 

TheEveryGirl- I love the every girl account . It's full of inspiration and so much advice on career, lifestyle and travel. it's the right instgram account for bloggers and career girls. we all need some advice here and there and this is the perfect account for it. 

TheCourtneyKerr - Her spunky instagram feed and her amazing style is something that I adore and love. Courtney is a Fashion Blogger who is absolutely astonishing .Her style is so cute and fun while showing her personality.  If you need some pop of color and cuteness on your feed , her page is definitely one to follow. 

ElisaJohnson- Elisa j is known as the daughter of Magic Johnson and sister of E.j Johnson. Her rebel like style is out of this world. I occasionally like to have a little spunk in my wardrobe so i love getting inspiration from this girl. Her style is to die for and she  sure does know how to dress.

ColorMeCourtney  - This colorful , free spirited blogger is someone I love having on my instagram feed.She is so full of life and color and it really shows in her pictures.  She lives in NYC and her blog and instagram page is something that is truly unforgettable.  


Saturday, October 24, 2015

Must Have Bag Essentials

So we all know we all have to keep certain things in our purses girls. So i'm going to share with you some of 
my key items i like to keep in my bag. 

1. Cell phone 
I literally have to have my cell phone with me at all times. You never know what your going to need it for. 

2. Makeup Bag
My makeup  bag is my life. You never know when your going to need to touch up your make up or even apply makeup. so its always a good necessity to have in your bag ladies. 

3. Emergency Kit 
We all should keep a little mini emergency kit in our purses, just in case of an emergency. 
maybe like so,e spare bobby pins, a extra tampon and little mini deodorant and some wipes. You never know girls. 

4. Little Notebook
I love carrying a notebook in my bag , you never know what new ideas may come to mind. So when you get a great one be sure to pull out your notebook and write it down. 

5. Bottled Water
It's very important that we stay hydrated through out the day. So its always good to carry a water with you just incase you get thirsty. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

5 Ways To Relax

1. Meditate. I know it sounds kind of crazy , but seriously meditation relieves stress and it makes you a more calmer  person. So just take atleast 5 to 10 minutes a day to meditate, I promise it will be the best thing you have ever done.

2. Get away from all the Chaos! Take the time out to go to a quiet place or to just simply get away from social media and just take time for yourself. Maybe go read a book or go to the park . Take a breathe of fresh air.

3.  Music, go put on your favorite playlist and have a dance party in your room by yourself. No is watching right? lol so who cares just dance and let loose and have fun.

4. Shopping! Now come on girls we all know how shopping can just make us so much happier right? so a little shopping wont hurt , I mean it is relaxing, so maybe go shopping with some friends or maybe even your mom, plan a girls day.

5. Writting . I personally love writing. It is  one way to reflect and to get to know yourself all in one pen stroke. just write about anything pretty much. Write about your day, maybe something that you're interested in. Its just a really fun and simple way to relax and  to get your mind off  of things.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Meet Ally & Taylor Founders Of NudeStix

Hey guys , meet sisters Ally and Taylor the founders behind the new touch and go make up stix , but also the new hottest makeup trend that's out their. I came across the nudestix collection  from their  instagram page, and i must say I am super excited and i can not wait to order my NudeStix soon.   These girls are young, fresh and so inspiring. These young ladies are building an empire on what they love the most, which is makeup. I think the unique way that  they put together their NudeStix and the packaginging is super cute, and just a really chic way to carry your NudeStix lip pencils. These girls are certainly doing things big and most of all there Girl Bosses, something that i will always root for. You can get their NudeStix collection at ulta, sephora and their website. As they say their NudeStix collection is "A streamline collection of makeup crayons that's works for all faces , challenging you to love what you seen in the mirror and have the confidence to #GoNudeButBetter". This is such a great and motivating  and inspiring quote that i feel like every girl should try. I Believe this makeup collection is great because it's simply saying you don't have to wear tons of makeup to look, and feel pretty. You can do little makeup tricks to help with any flaws but still have your natural look without so much makeup. Way to go Ally and Taylor keep up the Great work and can't wait to see what your NudeStix Line  has in store! 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

(September) Monthly Recap

So hey guys!, so I know I'm super late on this monthly wrap up . just give me time I'm new to this. Okay so I'm going to try to do a monthly check In with you guys every month, It will be a way that i can update you guys month to month on what's going on. So starting with last month since we are now In october, Last month in september i decided to finally start my blog literally after countless times of doubting , and pushing it back, I was like you know what I'm just going to do it!. so i basically "launched" my blog september 20th if we shall say, And I'm super glad i started it. Honestly I don't know why it took me so long , Even though i just started blogging only a month ago , It has been something that I have been wanting to do for a really long time. It's a lot of work and there's so much more work to be done for my blog but I'm very pleased with it so far,  i really appreciate all the feedback that it has gotten. September was a good month for me just because i started my blog and I'm  just really Happy with it overall. This was a short monthly wrap up, but i'll be back at the end of october and early november with a new wrap up for you guys!. See ya next time !

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Selena Gomez #Revival

Selena gomez album Revival released yesterday october 9th.This album is absolutely amazing !!!! I can not tell you how many times it's been on repeat,and it just came out yesterday. This album is super  sexy, confident, determined and just kick ass if you ask me. The way selena portrays herself on  this album you can tell she is more Confident  person and also owning up to her body and letting you know it's okay to be you, it's okay to be sexy and confident and be a women. If you were to ask me if i would have  ever expected this album to be this Amazing   i would have been taken by surprise. Like i'm so in love and obsessed with this album. I genuinely feel like she took her time with this project and  crafted it exactly how she wanted it to be and  put it out for the whole world to see . I couldn't be more proud of you girl , Congratulations on your new album and all the success that is coming your way. #Revival

Friday, October 9, 2015

Change Is Good,Right?

So recently I have came to the realization that in most cases change is good.  Its pretty essential for when you want something better or simply because all the things that you were use to or surrounded by became old, and you just wanted  something different.    I am a person who has big dreams , and always have since i was little girl. I knew that one day i would get out of this small ,crowded town i live in a make a life that i always dreamed of and to have the career that i have always wanted. Comes that there are sacrifices. Meaning that if you know where you want to go  and where you want to be sometimes you have to leave people and things behind. Me knowing exactly where i want to be, i feel as if it's finally time for me to make a decision. A decision that is to go or to simply stay. I as of right now am not content with anything that's going on. As i stay up  until 3 o'clock almost every night i can't help but to think about my life, career and where i could possibly be right now.    For a long time now i have been the only one holding myself back. I think it's the little bit of fear i have that is keeping me where i am. but i refuse to let that little bit of fear stop me from going after what  i want and where i want to go .So with that being said  maybe it's time to take that leap of faith and just simply book my plane ticket and get started on my New journey. Sometimes we have to go for the things we truly want and just do it and know that everything will fall into place and be alright. 


Monday, October 5, 2015

Creative ,Innovative And Simply Inspired

So honestly i didn't know what my next post was going to be. Until that is i came across this picture. "Beautiful Minds Inspire Others" and as i read this quote i get to thinking that is so true. I'm a person that is all about creativity and being innovative and coming up with new crazy ideas. Sure just one person alone can come up with a great idea , but how ever when you have two people or more as a team can come up with a totally awesome idea that is out of the park and that is brilliant beyond measures.  I think its very important to kind of step out of your comfort zone and connect with others and share your ideas and help one another. I love connecting with people and networking and sharing my ideas with others who could possibly help my idea come to life and vice versa. So  get out their  connect with  people that share your passion, and go come up with a  crazy , awesome and Brilliant Idea! Lets be Simply Inspired by one another . 

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