Friday, October 9, 2015

Change Is Good,Right?

So recently I have came to the realization that in most cases change is good.  Its pretty essential for when you want something better or simply because all the things that you were use to or surrounded by became old, and you just wanted  something different.    I am a person who has big dreams , and always have since i was little girl. I knew that one day i would get out of this small ,crowded town i live in a make a life that i always dreamed of and to have the career that i have always wanted. Comes that there are sacrifices. Meaning that if you know where you want to go  and where you want to be sometimes you have to leave people and things behind. Me knowing exactly where i want to be, i feel as if it's finally time for me to make a decision. A decision that is to go or to simply stay. I as of right now am not content with anything that's going on. As i stay up  until 3 o'clock almost every night i can't help but to think about my life, career and where i could possibly be right now.    For a long time now i have been the only one holding myself back. I think it's the little bit of fear i have that is keeping me where i am. but i refuse to let that little bit of fear stop me from going after what  i want and where i want to go .So with that being said  maybe it's time to take that leap of faith and just simply book my plane ticket and get started on my New journey. Sometimes we have to go for the things we truly want and just do it and know that everything will fall into place and be alright. 


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