Thursday, October 22, 2015

5 Ways To Relax

1. Meditate. I know it sounds kind of crazy , but seriously meditation relieves stress and it makes you a more calmer  person. So just take atleast 5 to 10 minutes a day to meditate, I promise it will be the best thing you have ever done.

2. Get away from all the Chaos! Take the time out to go to a quiet place or to just simply get away from social media and just take time for yourself. Maybe go read a book or go to the park . Take a breathe of fresh air.

3.  Music, go put on your favorite playlist and have a dance party in your room by yourself. No is watching right? lol so who cares just dance and let loose and have fun.

4. Shopping! Now come on girls we all know how shopping can just make us so much happier right? so a little shopping wont hurt , I mean it is relaxing, so maybe go shopping with some friends or maybe even your mom, plan a girls day.

5. Writting . I personally love writing. It is  one way to reflect and to get to know yourself all in one pen stroke. just write about anything pretty much. Write about your day, maybe something that you're interested in. Its just a really fun and simple way to relax and  to get your mind off  of things.

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