Friday, March 18, 2016

How To Prepare For Spring

Hey loves ! So i just wanted to pop in real quick and let you guys know whats happening. So this is my last blog post until the re-launch of my blog site which will be in two weeks launching on my 22nd birthday April 1st. so enjoy this post loves spring is right around the corner and its time to start preparing for it. So I'm going to give you some tips and tricks on how to start preparing for spring. 

Wardrobe Cleanout-  So we all know that us girls love going shopping . So what better way to get prepared for spring than a closet clean out and to bring some  new clothing in.  As girls we tend to have more than what we need, that's why closet cleanouts are good. You can get rid of clothing pieces you no longer wear or like and keep the things you're truly love that way you can have room to add new exciting pieces to your wardrobe.

Decorate Room -  So some girls decorate their rooms according to the season . So with that being said that spring is literally around the corner Redo your room.  Get a new comforter set and some new decorations and make it bright and fun for the new season ahead. Having a boring room can make you not have motivation or be excited to get things done. So if you have an exciting room it will be sure to  get your motivated and up out of bed.

Mood Board-   So I have talked about mood boards in a blog post of mine a while back. Mood boards are cool for your room, not only if you need motivation but they can be a good decoration piece as well.  You can do some many things with a mood board. Cut out magazine pictures  or get some photos from off tumblr, there are tons of ways to get inspiration for your board.

Plan A Trip-   Since spring nad summer are almost in motion, This is the perfect time to start planning your summer get away . Summer and spring are the perfect times to go on a action and just relax and have fun and enjoy yourself and your friends and family.  So get some of your best friends together and plan an awesome trip to start your summer.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fashion Bloggers

So guys I found this awesome show on youtube titled "Fashion Bloggers" .It's a reality series that follow 5 popular Australian bloggers and their lives. Okay so you already know I was super obsessed because it's a show about bloggers considering I'm a blogger as well. I loved how they showed the girls taking trips , going to meetings and their everyday lives as a  blogger and what goes into a blog post and creating content. I must say watching this show got me super inspired and back motivated considering I  have been In a funk, But I'm no longer in that funk anymore lol.  This show really gave me insight on what it's like being a fulltime blogger sure it's glamorous but these ladies put in a lot of hard work , it's not as easy as it seems you have to give them major props. They definitely gave me some insight on how I personally want to see my blog grow and evolve, Some of you might not know But this weeks blog post on friday will be the last blog post until the Relaunch of my New Blog/Site. I just want my site to be more professional and to just really create some great content for you guys and  to just step it up a little bit with my blog. I'm starting to take my blog more seriously and  I want people to see that in my relaunch especially my audience. I have listened to what my audience wants to see and  I plan on making it happen with the Relaunch of my New blog.   If you're a blogger or aspiring blogger I would highly suggest this show It's great and very inspiring and motivating for the female Entrepreneurs and girlbosses out their and we all know I'm all about Girl Power.  So make sure you check Fashion Bloggers out and let me know what you think about it.  
P.s The relaunch of my blog is on my 22nd birthday April 1st :)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Plug is Patience

I have always struggled with being patient. I'm the type of person when I  want something I want it now, but this year has really challenged me on being a more patient person. Last weekend something happened that took effect on how I was feeling this past week. I've come to the realization that I  still don't understand why things happen the way they do , but I have to be patient with my season and the things to come. Personally when something is not  happening when  I  want it to I  get a little anxious , but I'm working it. I have to constantly work on myself and the practice of being patient and to know that what's for me will always be and that my garden will be fruitful in due time.  When you're a patient person things appear more clearer and flow a lot better .  So to anyone out their struggling with being patient you are not alone.  When your patient you can truly allow all the great things life has to offer you flow more easily into your life with out rushing your season. 


Friday, March 11, 2016

Spring Must Haves

So spring is right around the corner. This means we have to start getting our wardrobe in tact for the spring weather.  I'm going to share with you guy's some of my Must have pieces for this spring . Hope you enjoy! <3

1. Moisturizing lotion  - Having a good moisturizer is good because our skin tends to naturally get dry in the summer ,so we have to keep our face hydrated.  It is also good to have a moisturizer to go under your makeup so your make up will sit better. 

2.  Satchel handbag  - Now in the summer time when I'm going out I don't like to carry around my big purse , I would rather have a satchel little purse I could carry something that is lightweight. Especially during coachella, You want to have a little crossbody bag. 

3. Good workout regimen - We all want those nice summer toned bodies, but honestly do some of us work for them or hope for them. I think when you get your self a work out routine on what you eat and how much you  spend exercising you will start to see changes and a lifestyle change as well.  You should start eating healthier and incorporating workout ino=to your daily routine as much as possible, Having a healthy life style is great. 

4. SunScreen -  Spring break is here and summer is right around the corner. That means laying out more, going to the pool and beach. It also means taking care of our body while out in the sun, sunscreen is always go when going on ba vacation.  You don't want to end up sun burned. So don't forget to put on sunscreen when going to the beach. 

5. Good Foundation -  So typically we go for the dewy look when summer is here, but some of us have oil skin . Make sure you get the perfect foundation for summer but also for your skin type weather its oily or combination of both.  It plays a huge part i how your makeup looks, you don't want have a foundation that doesn't match your skin tone after you been tanning. So make sure you update and switch out your foundations. 

Monday, March 7, 2016


Hey my loves so I'm back with another post. I would like you guys to meet Cole & Tawana, both the Founders and Creator of the L.A based boutique "HOUSEOFCHIC.LA".  I stumbled across the boutique  and the owners literally yesterday and I instantly fell in love with the site.  These two lovely ladies with bubbly personalities and a good sense of fashion and style came together one lvoely aftrenoon in L.A and had a meeting over coffee and started the "HOUSEOFCHIC.LA" Boutqiue and the rest was history.  I know their  are  lot of boutiques out there, but I must say this one is hands down my all time favorite. The variety they have on their site and the looks are incredible.  It's definitely a mixture between sassy with a hint of class and attitude.  I am an advocate for dressing up on a daily weather its a special occasion or not, they sure do give you a variety of cute stylish clothing to pick from.  Some of my favorite pieces on the site are the "join  the festivities ruffle shirt" and  the "Hotline striped romper" They have so many great pieces to choose from , especially if you're a fashionista looking to update your wardrobe. So if I was you guys I would head on over and check them out. Also if you're looking for some great fashionista and girl bosses give the owners a follow. <3

Friday, March 4, 2016

How To Stay Motivated

So, Do you agree with me that at times , We feel so not  motivated or inspired. I mean come on 
It happens to the best of us.  We all go through a period of which were not inspired or it's hard or us to really be motivated to proceed with what we have to work on .  I'm going to share some things that may help you get inspired again. 
1. Wake up early-  So I know we are all not morning people. But I found out   waking up early really helps jump start your day. I am not a morning person but When I do decided to get up early I feel really great and energized. 

2. Meditate-    I know everyone isn't into the whole meditation thing, But hey some of you guys don't even give it a chance to do it's thing. I started meditating a year ago and I can tell you that it not only centers me but also makes me have a clearer mind , and I'm able to get more ideas flowing. 

3. Master Jam Mix-  I don't know about you ,but good music always puts me in an AMAZING! mood.  A good morning Playlist that really gets you going can also motivate you. Music is such a great a  tool to change up anyone's  mood, weather their angry or sad. 

4. To-DO-List- Knowing that I have a calendar or schedule to go by or what I may have to do that day, makes me  excited. Me personally I  love running errands, it just gives you something to do when you think you're so bored.  I love being organized and knowing that I have my tasks to do for the day written down so I won't forget them. 

5. Be Positive-  Soon as you wake up In the morning and you have gratitude , it can really make your day so much brighter. Waking up an choosing your happiness and being in a goo mood, Really can dictate how your day is going to be. So try not to be sad cheer up and know that something amazing is coming. 


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

FifthHarmony GirlDomination

Hey guys so I'm  super excited to be talking about Fifth Harmony in today's blog post. 
We have been with these girls since Xfactor and seen how much  they have grown. Their new album
titled 7/27 will  be released May 20th, with their new hit single "Work From Home" .I've listened to their latest single and I must say its a must listen to song. These girls are older,sexier and singing about work from  home with their potential guys.  This new single is sophisticated and the girls are  coming into their womanhood. I love this and how the girls are really stepping  it up and talking about being a woman and having a man in their songs.  Some fans are like OMG they're talking about sex, but guess what that's apart of growing up and becoming a woman.  I personally love the new route the girls are going ,Their vocals have grown and gotten stronger and they're just all around good. We tend to think girls groups or groups in general won't stick around but these girls are going to be in it  for a while. They have had a  lot of success and a lot of fans who support them and their only getting better.  Do you guys like their new look and new music, comment or put your input below and tell me what you think . 
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