Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Meet Alex Elle

Meet Alex Elle. A mother and author of the two books "Love In my language " and "Words From A wanderer "  These two books are a combination Love notes and poems . I discovered Alex elle late 2014 , I mean I have always seen her instagram feed on my timeline but never really paid attention.   Then one day I randomly clicked on her account and discovered her notes2self. I instantly fell in love with her words , phrase and simply the way she had so much love for herself.  At this time discovering her words , I was a sophomore in college getting ready to end my fall semester and  head into spring semester. As i studied her work a  bit more and found her tumblr , little did I know she had changed my life and the way I perceived myself. So I decided to order her two famous books. My sophomore year in college was one of the worst years of my life. I dealt with a lot of hurt , losing friends  , and went back into depression. It was a year that for the first time in 20 years i really had to take a look at the person in the mirror. Alex elle has been a saving grace reading her books and watching interviews of her talking about her story and journey really helped me come to find the light within myself and the unconditional love I had for myself. So I knew that i wanted to start fresh and really change if I  didn't want to be stuck in the ways of depression. So I made it my goal to go on my own personal self- love journey I'm 2015. It was the best decision  I could have ever made, It taught me a lot about myself and for the first time I actually learned to love myself fully . A lot of young girls and women deal with depression , anxiety etc on a daily basis , that's why i feel like every should go give her two books a read.  She's a phenomenal Author and poet , I can't tell you how much I  admire this strong women and her willingness to keep pushing forward.  Us women we are constantly trying to bring  each other down , calling each other names. But as alex elle stated in her book "Love In My Language" We never really know what any one is or are going through at that present moment.  So instead of bringing one another down , how about lifting each other up with a simple "Hello" , or some encouraging words.  She's taught me a lot about myself and I'm still learning. The process will be a forever going  journey , but i am enjoying ever minute of it.  My absolute favorite quote ever that i go by on a daily basis is from her book "Love In My language" as well  and she says " I think we all forget about ourselves at time, I have to learn to remember me"

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