Wednesday, February 24, 2016

LifeAccordingToHer Ahyiana Angel

Meet Ahyiana Angel , she Is the author of the book "365 Inspirations For The Soul of the Side-Hustler and the Entrepreneur"  Also is the founder of the most poppin woman empowerment instagram page titled "LifeAccordingToHer"  Now if you're someone like me who is a New entrepreneur and looking to  dive more into to scene , this women right here knows all about it. Now This book is motivation for that aspiring entrepreneur who may  be doing some side hustling to get their. If your needing some inspirations or words of encouragement, Then you should be following the "LifeAccordingToHer" instagram page.  I am absolutely in love with the page and I go to it  just about everyday. It has so many good quotes and motivational sayings to get you pumped up and motivated.  Her book goes through the 4 phases of becoming an  entrepreneur and what goes  along with it. 
Step 1 : The optimistic phase , Step 2 :  The cautious phase , Step 3 : The discouraged phase , and lastly Step 4 : The enthusiastic phase. Now becoming an entrepreneur let alone becoming your own boss is a pretty risky thing, but hey someone out of the bunch has to be the risk taker and just go for it. As she states in the book, we all want to get away from that 9-5 job but just don't know how or are just simply scared to take that risk of stepping out on your job. But I feel as if you know your passion is to do something great and it requires you to become your own boss GO FOR IT!! what are you waiting for? Yes things can go wrong but so many things can go right. That's exactly what this book and instagram page is for, to pick you up when you're down and you think you can't to do it , To remind you that you are capable of achieving your hearts desires.  I can't wait to dive into this book myself and just have it simply help and guide me along the way of becoming a Entrepreneur and a #GirlBoss. So if you love empowering women and just simply supporting one another go check out the page and website!.  Women  supporting Women <3

instagram: LifeAccordingToHer

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