Friday, February 19, 2016

Perfectly Imperfect

Hey guys , so this post is going to be a little different . This topic is something that I have been.wanting to talk about for a while, so I finally decided to do a post on it.  I decided to title this blog post "Perfectly Imperfect" because  In our society we think woman have to be portrayed as "Perfect"   I came to realize a long time ago that , No one is perfect no one! So if they say they are they are lying. We all have flaws and things we would like to change. Now  some of goes to the extent of getting  surgery to fix those flaws and nothing is wrong with that , just as long as you're making a decision to where it's for a good reason and your happy.  Growing up we all watched T.V and looked at magazines and seemingly wanted to look like or be like that person we saw. Growing up for me I dealt with a lot of self esteem issue and so on. But as I have gotten older i've realized to love myself for me and accept my flaws no matter what. My flaws are what makes be beautiful . I've learned to love myself unconditionally and let me tell you , it's been the best thing i've ever done to really truly love myself from the inside out took a lot of work on my part.  Everyone's journey is different but our society needs to stop portraying people in the media as perfect because no one is perfect.  We need to start talking more about self love and self acceptance. That's something the media doesn't talk about, my goal is to empower women to support one another and bring in a sisterhood. To inspire girls and woman and let them know baby girl you have to love yourself a little bit more and a little bit harder.  This society is so dependent on  a woman having to need a man to tell her she's beautiful or smart or talented. If you already know those things then your partner will only have to know it as well.  we wonder why girls are so obsessed with being smaller, prettier etc because they seen things in the media that tells them they're not beautiful oh you have to look like this to be considered as beautiful.  Girls and woman let me tell you this , we are queens, we are beautiful . we are all full of magic . Learn to love the body and skin you are in. Learn to take time to love and appreciate yourself.  My self love journey as been one that has been transforming and truly eye opening. I am 21 going on 22 this year in April . I have learned so much about myself and the things I want in life, the people I want to be surrounded by and the things I want to do.  A all those things though come from self worth and loving yourself whole. So I take a stand to tell you lovely girls , You are all beautiful . You don't have the be the media perception of what they define is beautiful , be your own kind of beautiful. Look in the mirror and say girl you are flawless and full of magic . Don't be afraid to tell yourself I Love You! My fellow queens enjoy your flaws, find beauty in them . They will make you see all the things you didn't before. With love Xoxo-DameshaRae 

Remember this : You don't have to be perfect to be beautiful.

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