Friday, April 15, 2016

"I'm Back" TheStyleJounralist

Hey!, Guys so I'm finally back. I know right it feels like forever that I've been gone . So originally I took time off to redesign my blog , but honestly, that didn't go well because people wasn't following through. So even though my blog is not looking the way I want it to look I just had to come back to blogging.  I am working on the redesign and hopefully, soon it will be looking better, but  I had to start blogging again because I missed it so much .  I have so many things to share with you guys, I will be starting up my  YouTube again and making videos and vlogs and such , so be on the lookout for that.  Also, I'm going on a very exciting trip In two months ,  But I have just been finishing up the last couple of weeks  of school.  Also, my 22nd birthday was two weeks ago on April 1st, and I must say I've had already learned some lessons.  I've learning for the past two years how important taking time for yourself is, and I haven't really been doing that. So I think for the next couple of weeks I'm just going to be focusing on my blog and taking time for myself and just really focusing on the things that matter and that are super important. Also like I bet you guys are like What she renamed her blog , yup I renamed my blog to "TheStyleJounalirst" Simply because it was different , something I really liked and describes how my blog is somewhat going to be. My blog is kind of like a journal , but I also try to share style as well. I will be doing a lot more style post so be looking out for those. I'm just really ready to expand my content and what my blog is about and makes it something epic and exciting. Hope you guys come on this new journey with me and I appreciate your support so much !!! 
Xoxo-DameshaRae <3 

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